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#SFTech4Good: March Events Calendar and Empower Work Tomorrow at Startup Basecamp


SFTech4Good Event
Tuesday, March 12:
Empower Work: Using People + Tech Skills for Good

Join us at Startup Basecamp to learn about Empower Work. They provide confidential support for people facing tough, non-legal work situations. Their volunteers are product managers, designers, engineers, coaches, HR business partners, social workers, career counselors, and other working professionals.

During this session, we'll learn what volunteers get from the Empower Work experience, and they will have a live demo of how they talk texters through difficult situations.
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm PT

Register or Volunteer

Please help spread the word by giving us a retweet from this link:https://twitter.com/SFTech4Good/status/1105162618061316101! You can also share on Facebook here!

Thank you, and, hopefully, see you tomorrow!

Other Events

March 18 - 22:
AI for Good Week*

*SFTech4Good's former co-organizer, Katharine Bierce, is working on this, so please make sure to help spread the word and register! Thanks!

March 19:
One World's Bay Area Impact Summit 

1:00 pm - 7:00 pm PT
Use code "CCBA" for 20% off.

March 22 and 23:
Screening of
 "Heather Booth: Changing the World"
Tickets for March 22
Tickets for March 23

March 28:
MLUX SF x Salesforce: Bringing Data Science techniques to UX Research - Data Driven Personas
6 pm – 9 pm PT

March 28:
Apply to join the Carbon Impact.tech Symposium in San Francisco

March 31:
Hiking to the next level up March 2019



Our friends at CareerVillage.org are launching a “data science for good” competition and is seeking machine learning / AI / data science professionals to participate. The competition is being hosted at Kaggle, the crowdsourced data science competition platform. Participants will be able to submit ideas for improving how CareerVillage.org matches career advice requests to its registered Professionals. In addition to transforming the lives of young people by getting them the career advice they need, there’s $15,000 of prize money for the winning team sponsored by Kaggle and Google.org. To learn more about this volunteer activity, go to the competition page.

April 9 - 10:
The World Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019 Volunteer Application
New York, NY
Sign Up

Thanks to our sponsor,TechSoup.

Looking for updates in between the monthly newsletters? Please use the Upcoming Events and Job Board here:http://www.meetup.com/sfnetsquared/messages/boards/forum/2623142


To find an old newsletters, gohere in the Discussion section of our Meetup page and for newsletters from October 2017 to now go here.



SFTech4Good Executive Director

P.S. Find SFTech4Good on Twitter at@SFTech4Good and follow events in real time using the#SFN2 or #SFTech4Good hashtag.

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