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#SFTech4Good October 2017: Social Impact at LinkedIn, Lyft, & Salesforce


There are LOTS of cool things happening so you may need to scroll all the way down and click 'view entire message' to get the whole newsletter.

For questions or comments on our new format, contact the SFTech4Good team at san-francisco@netsquared.org.



Katharine Bierce
SFTech4Good event producer and newsletter curator


October SFTech4Good event

Social Impact in Tech: Panel Discussion with LinkedIn, Lyft, and Salesforce

How can companies be better corporate citizens?  Join LinkedIn for Good, Lyft and Salesforce for a candid discussion of how to start and grow a social impact program at your company.  Join us for pizza and learn how it’s easy, feasible, and popular for startups to give back as part of the company culture. 

Free - RSVP: www.eventbrite.com/e/social-impact-in-tech-panel-discussion-tickets-37895618816

6:00-8:30 pm

LinkedIn SF, 222 2nd St, San Francisco CA 94105 - Near Howard St


Video of last month's panel with Kiva, CALSO and Box.org at PARISOMA (in case you missed our 9/26 event)

Other Resources

Silicon Valley folks - Netsquared Silicon Valley needs new event organizers.

Basically - do you live on the peninsula and want to create events like SFTech4Good?

Consider volunteering if you have about 5-15 hours a month.

Learn more here: http://www.netsquared.org/why-you-should-become-netsquared-organizer

Contact for details: Elijah van der Giessen, eli@techsoupglobal.org



Events we are not hosting, but you might want to know about:


Oct 2: deadline to apply for +Acumen Challenge on October 14

+Acumen Challenges are two-hour virtual events where participants apply their skills to real challenges facing real social enterprises working alongside teammates from around the world. In this challenge, you’ll help Amal Academy, a Pakistan-based social enterprise, with helping more people get employed.

Free - apply here: https://acumenchallengebarclays.splashthat.com/      

October 3: Beyond the Build: A Workshop for Non-Tech Founders

Do you have a world-changing idea but lack the tech skills to bring it to life?  Would you like to attend your first hackathon but aren’t sure what you would do there?  Are you a programmer who would like to learn how to better work with non-tech teammates?  This is for you to find out how to jump in!  (For women, trans, and nonbinary folks only.)

7:00-9:00 pm

ActionSpot, 99 Wilson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126

Free - register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beyond-the-build-a-workshop-for-non-tech-founders-tickets-36919785071


October 3: Young Women Social Entrepreneurs of SF

Learn how you can build financial support for your organization early (even before you have evidence of impact). Speaker: Meghan Freebeck, the founder & CEO of Simply the Basics and Acting CEO of Project Homeless Connect.

6:30-8:30 pm

The Women's Building, 3543 18th St, Room A, Second Floor, San Francisco, CA 94110

By donation - register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-glorified-volunteer-to-driven-career-tickets-36294774648


October 4: Talent Connect: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise Alliance, Impact Hub, and Laborx are hosting a Talent Connect to bring social enterprise talent seekers and job seekers together. Network and hear from leaders in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Impact Hub San Francisco, 1885 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103


Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/talent-connect-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-in-social-enterprise-tickets-37659061266


October 4: VR and Workplace Technologies

Unprecedented opportunities to incorporate transformative applications that increase productivity, resilience, and skills abound. See workplace applications for lifestyle and chronic disease management with VR.


6:00-9:00 pm

Upload Collective, 1535 Mission Street, 2nd floor, San Francisco, CA 94103



October 4: Registration Deadline for the GenH Challenge

Have a new healthcare idea? Register to get a new funding opportunity from Johnson & Johnson. Once registered, you will be eligible to submit an application with your idea.

Info/register: www.genhchallenge.com/


October 5: Deadline to RSVP-Imagining America Nat’l Conference, Oct 12-14

Imagining America advances a vision of the world in which publicly engaged artists, designers, scholars, students and culture workers play critical roles in enacting the promise and ideals of a democratic society.



Davis, California, Hosted by UC Davis


October 7: Hack the Patriarchy - Founder Mixer

Networking, brainstorming, an expert panel and more! For women and nonbinary folks only. 

10:00 am to 2:00 pm


ActionSpot, 99 Wilson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126




October 9-10: COCAP: Community Capital conference on Building the “We” Economy

Examine strategies for building a local regenerative economy that creates well being and equity for all. Includes a We Economy Fair with exhibitors that provide banking and investment opportunities for those who want to move their money out of the extractive economy and into local and community financial institutions. Meet social finance leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, creatives, investors and philanthropists.
Impact Hub Oakland, 2323 Broadway, Oakland CA 94612
Info: https://cocaprevolution.net/ 
Tickets: http://cocap2017.brownpapertickets.com/

October 10: SOCAP17 Kickoff Party at Exygy

Meet makers, innovators, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, clinicians, government agencies, investors, and change makers from around the world.  All are welcome!  

6:00-8:00 pm

Exygy-2601 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94114

Free - Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/socap17-mission-kickoff-party-tickets-37927533273


October 10: Meet Grassroots and POC-Led Housing & Land Justice Groups

Meet the organizations that are building grassroots-led and POC-led movements to advance racial justice through the transformation of land and housing ownership.

6:30-8:00 pm

Sustainable Economies Law Center, 1428 Franklin Street Oakland, CA (BART: 12th St)


Register: http://www.theselc.org/housing-justice


October 10-12: BoxWorks conference

Nonprofits - free ticket for the first 500 nonprofits to register (save over $1000).  See how Box is helping organizations like the ASPCA, International Rescue Committee, Year Up, Oxfam and 6500 other nonprofits.  Get help to do more with the Box cloud content management platform.

Moscone Center West, 747 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Register at the BoxWorks page today with the code: 17bwboxforgood


October 12: Unstoppable Moms

With startup moms at the helms of Operations, Strategy, Sales and Marketing, YouNoodle leaders know the challenges of juggling both motherhood and startup life. That’s why they are bringing together a community of moms to talk about their experiences navigating motherhood through dual careers, early stage startups and larger organizations.

6:00 PM – 9:00 pm

PARISOMA - 169 11th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Free - Register http://yndl.co/unstoppablemoms


October 10-13: Social Capital Markets (SOCAP) Conference

The best place to be for the latest in impact investing.


Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94123

Info: http://socialcapitalmarkets.net/socap17/

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/socap17-registration-27450009718


October 14: Designing for Hackathon Success

For designers & engineers looking to attend (and win!) hackathons with better design & improved UX. Note: This workshop is for women and nonbinary folks only.

10:00 am to 2:00 pm


ActionSpot, 99 Wilson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126




October 16: Ethics in Innovation Conference

Explore the ethics of Artificial Intelligence, automation, digital media / fake news, climate change and also moving from ethics to love, 100% impact investing and more.

9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Innovation Hangar, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123


Register: www.eventbrite.com/e/ethics-in-innovation-conference-tickets-35749035327


October 16-18: Tech Inclusion SF

Help create an inclusive future for everyone.  Explore tech jobs, access and opportunity, empathy and allyship, inclusive and accessible design, creating inclusive teams and more.

Includes both a conference and career fair.

The Armory San Francisco, CA

$299 early bird, $599 all-inclusive (free for career fair attendees)

Apply to Speak: https://community.techinclusion.co/call-for-speakers (topics are in education, workplace, entrepreneurship, policy and ecosystem)

Register: https://sf17.techinclusion.co/


October 18: Intro to Data Visualization

Have you ever sat through a presentation full of charts, but had no idea what all those numbers were actually supposed to prove? Or have you eagerly received a pile of raw survey data back after a program, only to wonder how to turn it into the 5-minute visual presentation your board demands?  This course will help you to focus on what matters and turn interesting features into clear, compelling visualizations.


$125 for NTEN members/$250 for non-members

Register: https://www.nten.org/event/course-intro-to-data-visualization


October 18: Policy Cafe & CA Legislature Teach-In

Do you have an idea to change your community for the better? Do you have questions about policymaking on a local or state level? Get answers, ideas, and strategies from our center's staff, experienced attorneys and policymakers. Come to either or both sessions.

5:00 - 6:00 pm: Learn to navigate the CA State Legislature

6:00 - 7:30 pm: Policy cafe and individualized consultations


Register here: www.theselc.org/policy_cafe_1017


October 20: Uptima Freelancer Accelerator applications due

Get guidance to define your service offering, develop client relationships, and establish the foundation to thrive as your own boss. Combines in-person classes with one-on-one mentorship, peer groups, and online learning. For individuals seeking self-employment providing personal or professional services, or as a writer, artist, or musician. 

Free to apply - $600 for program

San Francisco program: http://sf.uptimabootcamp.com/freelancer-accelerator

Oakland program: http://oakland.uptimabootcamp.com/freelancer-accelerator


October 21: Startups Give Back with Team Hope Walk

Startups Give Back is a volunteering event where startups get out of their offices and work together to help nonprofits in their communities. Help the Huntington's Disease Society of America's Team Hope Walk with setup and registration, while supporting the individuals and teams participating in the walk. Make a difference with fellow startups!

8:00 am - 12:30 pm

Sports Basement & Crissy Field, 610 Old Mason St, San Francisco, CA

Free - RSVP: www.startupsgiveback.org/events/2017-team-hope-walk/            


October 20-22: Bioneers

A hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. Nature’s principles—kinship, cooperation, diversity, symbiosis and cycles of continuous creation absent of waste—serve as metaphoric guideposts for an equitable, compassionate and democratic society.

Marin Center, San Rafael, CA


RSVP: http://conference.bioneers.org/register/


October 21-22: Hack the Patriarchy

Hack The Patriarchy is committed to centering and lifting up marginalized voices in technology. This is for you if you’re a programmer/designers/mentor. For self-identified women and non-binary folks only. The grand prize is $500 and an opportunity to pitch to a Bay Area angel investment group!


ActionSpot, 99 Wilson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126

Info: www.HackthePatriarchy.com

Register: http://www.hackthepatriarchy.com/application/­


October 22: TEDxOakland

A day of stimulating presentations, discussions, entertainment and arts that will bend perceptions, inspire curiosity and spark new ideas in our community and beyond.

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Oakland Convention Center, 550 10th St, Oakland, California 94607




October 24: Webinar with DataKind on Data for Intelligence

What if we could use satellite imagery to automatically detect illegal mining from afar or use anomaly detection to flag contracts that differ from standard ones and may include potentially unfair or questionable language? New opportunities to leverage more advanced techniques like machine learning and artificial intelligence are just emerging thanks to the groundwork laid by Omidyar Network investees and others.

8:00 - 9:00 am PT

Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5b9f7ba39c975bec66858a512be5123a


October 25: Webinar: California Legislature, Here We Come!

Want to make change happen at the state level?  Learn from Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) staff about the process of organizing a CA legislative campaign, how to work with legislators and their staff, how laws get written and amended, how to research California statutes, and some tips and strategies for success in state-level policy advocacy.

12:00 - 1:00 pm PT

Register: http://www.theselc.org/webinar_capolicy


October 26: Startups Give Back event with the Boys & Girls Club of SF

Startups Give Back is a volunteering event where startups get out of their offices and work together to help nonprofits in their communities.  Volunteers will help youth with homework and also play sports and games.  Make a difference with fellow startups!

2:30-5:00 pm

Boys & Girls Club: Columbia Park Clubhouse, 450 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA

Free - RSVP: www.startupsgiveback.org/events/boys-girls-club-oct


October 30-November 1: IoT and AI for Social Impact at FogWorld

Learn how to characterize impacts of various technologies to environment, energy, society, health, education, government or infrastructure. 


Santa Clara, CA

Agenda: https://tinyurl.com/fwc-socialimpact-2017

Register: https://www.fogworldcongress.com/register


Oct 30 - Nov 5: Lean Startup Week

Learn how to implement and evolve the Lean Startup methodology beyond the startup phase—to scale—in enterprise, in government, in nonprofits, and more.

$1,650 - $3,500
San Francisco

Learn more: https://2017.leanstartup.co/


November 3-5: YWSE-SF Annual Women’s Retreat

This year’s theme: Community Building With True Purpose, is focused on supporting each woman to clarify her authentic life purpose, and allowing that purpose to fuel community building for impact.  A weekend of workshops, connection, learning, and rejuvenation.

NatureBridge, 1033 Fort Cronkhite, Sausalito, CA 94965

$250 - scholarships available here (deadline October 13)




Volunteer: Business Development Associate with #SiliconValleyPalestine

Join a new group in Silicon Valley whose mission it is to grow Palestine’s tech sector by creating win-win outsourcing partnerships with tech companies around the globe. Help create jobs in the West Bank and Gaza by facilitating outsourcing partnerships with tech companies around the globe.  Seeking an organized, strategic individual to join our team in a business development associate role (8 hours / week, pro bono, 6 months). The person who joins us will have a chance to learn a ton, have immediate impact, work with a compelling group, and immediately grow her/his network.

More info/apply


Free Event Space in SF for Nonprofits

Need to host an after-work fundraiser for up to 50 people in the Mission district?  Apply here:



Free website help

If you need free help with building/updating websites or with building software/applications, Zenith Prep Academy has very talented 6th-12th grade students who are looking for projects to work on.

Their students are proficient in various languages in front-end (web development - CSS, JavaScript, HTML) and back-end (software - Java, PHP, etc.). Additionally, they also have prior experience and a positive track record in building websites and software applications for local and international businesses/companies.

All of the students that will work on your projects graduated top 1% of their classes where they’ve all built this website (http://www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/uberz) from scratch without any shortcuts or templates, in addition to many of them having built websites and software for local businesses and large enterprise companies.

Reach out via email to: William@ZenithPrepAcademy.com   

Job Opportunities

Fast Forward Nonprofit Tech Accelerator

Hiring a Program Associate and Director of Programs and Products. In SF.


Paid Apprenticeships with Techtonica

This is a free, full-time tech training opportunity for Bay Area women and non-binary adults with low incomes. You’ll learn to do full-stack web development using JavaScript. After the first trial month, top participants will be invited to continue for five months with stipends. Upon successful completion of six months, top apprentices are placed with partner companies. The next apprenticeship starts in January 2018 in San Francisco.

Please apply or share with interested communities!


Obama Foundation Fellows

They’re looking for civic innovators who are “good humans.”  A diverse set of community-minded rising stars – organizers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists, and more – who are altering the civic engagement landscape. By engaging their fellow citizens to work together in new and meaningful ways, Obama Foundation Fellows will model how any individual can become an active citizen in their community.  The two-year, non-residential Fellowship will offer hands-on training, resources, and leadership development.

Apply: https://www.obama.org/fellowship/


Tech Jobs in SF City Government

Bookmark the civic tech jobs site or follow @civicjobsf on Twitter.



Find or post nonprofit jobs on the NTEN Nonprofit Tech Job Board. Find or post full-time jobs and short-term gigs for social change. NTEN Members save 50% on all job postings. You can also follow @ntenjobs for the latest jobs.


Check out Fast Forward’s Tech nonprofit job board

Learning Opportunities/Other Resources  

Nov 6-17: Graphic and Web Design course from BAVC

Get great skills and career counseling too! Apply here or contact Joshua Peters with questions 415-558-2130 / joshuapeters@bavc.org


Subscribe to CivicMaker’s LINKS - a bi-monthly dispatch of ideas, events and opportunities for civic and social innovators creating better ways to address sticky public problems in the Bay Area and beyond:


Jan 8 - 19, 2018 - Frontier Market Scouts - Certificate in Impact Investing and Social Enterprise

FMS instructors are active practitioners in the impact space and work with leading organizations including Omidyar Network, Accion Venture Lab, Village Capital, Pi Investments, and Colorado Capital. Through the combination of lectures and actionable co-creative projects, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem and framework for market-based solutions. After completing the intensive, two-week training, FMS participants have the opportunity to become candidates for fellowship positions with social ventures, accelerator programs, or impact funds.

Learn More


Resilient Communities Legal Cafe, East Bay

The Resilient Communities Legal Cafe provides direct legal advice, workshops, teach-ins, discussions, and legal services to businesses and organizations that are trying to make their communities a better place to live and thrive. Come, ask us your questions, and join others from your neighborhood who are taking their livelihoods, communities, and economies back! See dates and locations here.


TechSoup Courses for Nonprofits!

You have a mission. TechSoup Courses can get you there. Explore the online training catalog here: https://techsoup.course.tc/catalog (TechSoup is a sponsor of SFTech4Good, so check them out!


Ongoing - Giant Global Social Innovation Events Calendar

Conveners.org is a backbone organization building connection, cooperation, and collaboration within the impact ecosystem. Increased coordination provides network benefits and allows us to create tools, resources and products that solve the industry-level challenges we face. This enables the right people, to be in the right places to have the conversations that will change the world. Lots and lots of great events are compiled here:


Weekly on Wednesdays: Code for SF Civic Hack Night

Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Learn and contribute to open government and civic tech in San Francisco.



So You Want to Be an Ally Because #BlackLivesMatter

Here is an ever-expanding resource for individuals who would like to become an ally. Please feel free to add to it and share it within your communities.




Thanks to our awesome sponsors!


Thanks for being a part of the SFTech4Good community, and thanks for reading to the end!


Looking for updates in between our monthly newsletter?  Please use the upcoming events and job board here to share events and jobs:http://www.meetup.com/sfnetsquared/messages/boards/forum/2623142


If you need to find one of our old newsletters, you can find them here in the Discussion section on our Meetup.com page.


That’s all for October!


- KatharineRegina, & Roslyn

SFTech4Good event producers

P.S. Find us on Twitter at @SFTech4Good and follow our events in real time at #SFN2!

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