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[Net2 San Francisco] March 2015: Education Mini-Hackathon with 826 Valencia and more

Welcome members old and new!  Thanks for being a part of SFTech4Good. Check out the links to both our events and suggestions from the group below.

Looking for updates in between our monthly newsletter? Please use the upcoming events and job board here to post things you want other members to know about:http://www.meetup.com/sfnetsquared/messages/boards/forum/2623142­


SF Tech for Good Events

March 10th, 2015 - Let's Help 826 Valencia Launch Their Tenderloin Location!


316 Montgomery St., 16th Floor

San Francisco

6:30-8:30 pm


This event is one collective session to give back. 826 Valencia is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting students ages 6-18 with their writing skills, and to helping teachers get their students excited about the literary arts.

Of particular interest to them is learning from others' experiences with online fundraising and volunteer recruitment campaigns, and hearing proposals on how to provide online training and support to our volunteers, students, and families at a relatively low cost.

Learn more here and help us help them!

Tickets ($5) https://www.eventjoy.com/e/lets-help-826-valencia-launch-their-tenderloin-location-593326­ (proceeds benefit 826 Valencia)

March 11: Town Hall to #EndHomelessness with SFCares and Project Homeless Connect

Discuss innovative solutions, share insights gained from experiences of our community, and address questions with our policy makers.

6:00-9:30 pm

San Francisco


Free/by donation

Weekly on Wednesdays: Code for America Civic Hack Night


Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent!  Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Join a weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco.


Events we are not hosting, but which we think you want to know about:

March 2, 2015: Legal Cafe with the Sustainable Economies Law Center

Get low cost legal advice for your social innovation startup or nonprofit.

Impact Hub Oakland

5:00-8:00 pm


Free/by donation

March 4: Beyond the Culture of Separation (8 week class)

Whether you’re a well-meaning techie or working with diverse communities in a nonprofit, you might encounter awkward situations around race. This course (aimed at white-identified people) will give you tools and approaches to work with tough situations.

Impact Hub Oakland

6:15pm – 9:15pm, every Wednesday night March 4 - April 22


$350-250 (sliding scale)

March 6: Free Day Pass Friday at Impact Hub Berkeley

If you’re working in social or environmental impact, check out Impact Hub Berkeley every Friday for free in March 2015!




March 7: Nerds 4 Nature BioBlitz

Join the Nerds, Nature in the City, California Academy of Sciences, iNaturalist and lots of cool people as we bioblitz (map species using smartphones) the eastern half of Golden Gate Park.

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

9:00 am to 1:00 pm



March 11-12: DocuSign DevCon 2015

DevCon is a two-day developer conference in the heart of San Francisco - to learn how enterprise companies from around the world are utilizing the DocuSign Platform to Build the Business Apps of Tomorrow. DocuSign is making the world a better place by ridding businesses and institutions of paper. As of today, more than 300 million documents have been DocuSigned in over 188 countries. Doing the math, this equates to 158,410 trees saved each year by DocuSign, and growing!

At DevCon you’ll hear directly from engineers, technology experts, and industry luminaries about the latest trends and technologies that are shaping our digital future. Choose from 14 API focused breakout sessions spread across two days to learn how to increase security, automate processes and reduce costs – all while ridding the world of paper! Plus you won't want to miss the legendary Geoffrey Moore kick things off with the opening keynote address.

Space is limited.

Register Now! http://momentum.docusign.com/san-francisco/dev-con/?mc=devcon-sftech4g­

$299 (group discount: buy 2 get 1 free)

March 24: Nerds 4 Nature Project Night

Learn about cool projects in DIY air quality monitoring, monitoring landscape change and fire recovery, drones for Science and more in environmental hardware.

7:00-9:00 pm

Impact Hub Berkeley




Freebie from General Assembly for SFTech4Good Members

Thank you to General Assembly San Francisco for hosting last month’s meetup on Hardware for Good!  (The somewhat rough recording of the 1 hour panel livestream is hereand starts around 8 min 20 sec in, in case you missed it.)

SFTech4Good members can sign up for 3 free months of General Assembly Front Rowclasses - an online learning platform that offers unlimited access to both live and on-demand streaming classes across a number of topics relevant to tech and business.

Whether you’re looking to change careers into a technology company in software, sales, marketing, product, etc. - or if you want to understand “web development 101,” they have all kinds of great classes. NOTE: Their in-person classes are not cheap, so you might want to take advantage of this freebie while it lasts!


Let’s Help Jill With Her Project!

Hello!  My name is Jill Kunishima, and I am in SFSU's Public Administration program.  For my academic research, I need people from the tech sector to respond to a survey.  If you consider yourself a part of the sector, or know people in the sector, would you please consider filling it out and/or passing it on?  The data gathered from this survey is invaluable to my research, and should only take 10-15 minutes to complete.   Please be assured that all answers will be confidential, though inclusion of contact information will allow me to share my research findings with you when the analysis is complete in Summer of 2015 (and ask for clarification if needed.) If you have any questions or encounter any issues with the survey, please feel free to email me at jmkunishima@gmail.com­. Thank you again!

Jill Kunishima's Public Administration Research Survey link

Or see the survey URL: https://sfsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8hTtv8yogg4Zwih­ 


T Lab at Tipping Point Community is recruiting for its 3rd cohort of Problem-Solvers

If you’re interested in testing and building new solutions in the fight against poverty or know someone who is, go to https://tippingpoint.org/tlab/tlab-application/­ for details about the application process.

The 6-month program is based in San Francisco and begins on October 5, 2015. Problem-Solvers are employed full-time and receive a stipend, paid holidays and health care reimbursements.


Thanks to our awesome sponsors!

TechSoup Global via NetSquared

The Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN)

Rolling Out Cafe

General Assembly San Francisco

Geekdom SF by Rackspace


General Assembly Front Row

Aspiration Tech

Microsoft Store - Westfield Centre

Old Newsletters in our Discussion Forum

If you need to find one of our old newsletters, you can find them here in the Discussion section on our Meetup.com page.

That’s all for March!

- Katharine and Regina

SFTech4Good organizers

P.S. Find us on Twitter at #SFN2 or @SFTech4Good

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